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If you have a web hosting, computing, programming or an office service, small business related website, resource, forum or a community website you are invited to join our affiliate program which currently pays a whopping 30% commission (for all buyer and freelancer referrals you send to us).

Unbelivable? The referral fee so high? Do you really pay?
Simple! You send a referral, you keep the commission for your referral!
We will only approve sites that are related and can mostly send us "buyers" who are interested in posting a project - if you are just starting a website or if you don't have a website as described above that is targeted to buyers of services, we will not be interested. You will need to have a paypal account. You can withdraw funds to your paypal account, once you have at least $50 in your account.

How is it tracked?
Tracked by cookie - which stays on the users computer (as long as they don't remove it or cleanup the computer). In otherwords, if they signup 100 days later, it is still counted as a referral. Best of all once they signup as your referral (buyers or freelancers), you get future commissions on all the projects the buyers post and all the projects the freelancers complete.

Please Contact Us with your site URL and details, if you are interested in joining.



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